Entering Diagnostic Mode


Many computerized dryers have the ability to self diagnose like other appliances. Like washers you must know the secret entry code to access stored information or at least have a chart to interpret the error being displayed. LG has added a new feature to their washers and dryers - Smart Diagnosis. This is an audible coded output that talks to a free app that must be loaded up on your smart phone. So far few have been successful in gleaning any useful information from this tool. As with most appliance diagnostic tools, they have very limited capabilities and only offer clues and starting points for accurate diagnosis. However, the LG tool is fun to play with and no doubt impresses customers shopping for a new dryer.

lg daig

LG Smart Phone App For Customer Diagnosis

Dryer diagnostics are less helpful than most other appliances and seldom used by professionals. Most dryer problems are simple. "It's dead, makes noises or won't get hot."  Diagnostics on washers save us some time in getting to various parts of the cycle but this is not usually necessary on dryers. Following are sample error charts. Any specific ones that you need will be found in the manual library.

duet dryer

Whirlpool Duet Error  Sheet

samsung diag

Samsung Error Code Sheet

© Harry D. Raker 2015