Fortunately for us, the disposer world is very simple. One design fits all!! Virtually all disposers, no matter what brand, come from one source. Emerson Electric has been making nearly all the disposers for many decades. Their primary brand name is InSinkErator but they sell to a great many distributors. The key difference between models is height and horsepower. More horsepower costs more money. Height is very important because of rigid drain pipes. It is quite easy to replace a unit with the same sized one and not have to fuss with matching the drain pipe. Dealing with this irritation is covered in my video section. Plumbers tend to sell more stronger units with 5/8 horsepower. Apartments usually install the Badger 1 which is a 1/3 HP shorter unit. The other important variation is noise suppression. More expensive units have a sound shield. Lastly there is an environmently friendly unit designed for septic systems with an injector package on the side that adds chemicals to hasten decay of the garbage.
Kenmore disposers are Emerson Electric too. Learning to Decipher Kenmore's Root Manufacturers. Since Sears represents 50% of the appliance work and does not manufacture anything, study the Kenmore Codes pdf link to learn how to tell what you are really working on. For an in depth discussion of brand confusion see my help page>>.